1555 Lake Baldwin Lane, Suite B, Orlando, FL 32814

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Four Ways to Stay Connected during Times of Social Distancing

Four Ways to Stay Connected during Times of Social Distancing

Do you feel lonely during these times of social distancing and restricted social gathering?  Are you struggling with your emotional health because of staying home alone the majority of the time?  It's no secret that the coronavirus pandemic has kept many of us home for months on end.  Many of us have found new Netflix shows to binge, and many of us have discovered old hobbies.  Also, many of us have suffered emotional and mental setbacks because of the isolation and lo...

Five Ways Therapy Can Improve Your Life

Five Ways Therapy Can Improve Your Life

Do you want to change your life for the better?  Are you looking to make big changes to your lifestyle for the sake of your mental health?  Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, or mood swings that affect your daily life?  These are just a few instances that may lead you to consider going to counseling in Orlando to seek support, guidance, and treatment.  When you attend counseling sessions, you will be able to discuss your concerns, issues, feelings, and uncertainties...

How to Get Through the Holidays after Loss

How to Get Through the Holidays after Loss

Suffering a loss of a loved one is difficult, heart-wrenching, and life-changing.  When the holidays are near, it can make it even more challenging to celebrate the joyous times while you are still grieving.  Although your heart is heavy with the loss, the holidays still come and go as usual.  As a counselor in Orlando, we offer these tips to get through the holidays while you are still grieving a loss of a loved one. Avoid Falling into Bad Habits During t...

How to Survive Big Life Changes When You Suffer from Anxiety

How to Survive Big Life Changes When You Suffer from Anxiety

Are you going through big life changes that have triggered your anxiety?  Are you incredibly anxious about changes that are coming your way?  Whether you are moving, changing jobs, getting married, getting divorced, or starting a family, you may realize that your anxiety is triggered by life's big changes.  When you battle anxiety, it can be difficult to come to terms with some of life's changes, despite how prepared you may truly be.  If you need assistance, couns...

Five Mood-Boosting Tips When You Are Stuck at Home This Winter

Five Mood-Boosting Tips When You Are Stuck at Home This Winter

This year has brought many challenges, complications, unforeseen circumstances, and cancellations that have caused many of us to feel down about our lives.  We have spent time adjusting to new routines, making changes we never knew we'd have to make, and trying to stay connected to family and friends.  Staying at home and cancelling plans has also made life difficult for many, especially those that already struggle with anxiety or depression.  This winter, we will continue ...

Four Reasons Why Your Teen May Need to See a Counselor in Orlando

Four Reasons Why Your Teen May Need to See a Counselor in Orlando

Teenagers today have to cope with many different struggles that can make growing up challenging.  Not only can the transition from adolescence to adulthood pose its own difficulties, but the constant use of technology also brings about many issues related to cyber bullying and mounting societal pressures.  Teens, in particular, can have trouble navigating these obstacles.  With the help of a counselor in Orlando, your teen can learn how to properly cope and have a healthy minds...

Five Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Five Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Have you been feeling unhappy and withdrawn lately?  Are you concerned with your mental health?  Being unhappy doesn't necessarily mean that you a depressed, but it can indicate that you need to make some changes to your lifestyle.  Depression is associated with a prolonged, persistent negative emotion that can make your personality change, motivation crumble, and inspiration disappear.  At counseling in Orlando, you can learn how to cope with these negative emotions s...

How to Cope with Pandemic Fatigue

How to Cope with Pandemic Fatigue

Many of us hoped that the threat of COVID-19 would have disappeared from our lives by now, but this is not the reality we are facing.  Instead, the threat of the disease is still ever-so-present as we enter the winter months and the holiday season.  This truth has left us battling the negative effects of pandemic fatigue, which makes it difficult to cope with all the practices that keep us safe while keeping a stable mental health in the process.  As a counselor in Orlando, we ...

Four Reasons to Go to Counseling in Orlando Today

Four Reasons to Go to Counseling in Orlando Today

Are you wondering whether counseling will help you overcome struggles or challenges you've been facing lately?  Are you debating whether all that time and energy will be worthwhile?  Counseling in Orlando can be one of the most powerful tools for self-improvement, self-growth, and self-awareness.  As experts in counseling, we offer many services that assist our clients with issues relating to their mental health, life struggles and challenges, coping with change and transit...

How to Set Boundaries in Your Relationship

How to Set Boundaries in Your Relationship

Even if you've never talked about boundaries with your partner, every relationship has boundaries.  Boundaries help each individual to have the space and room you need to be healthy and mentally sound.  When you are struggling to set and abide by boundaries with your significant other, you may want to work on this issue with a counselor in Orlando.  We help many couples work through their issues, including a lack of boundaries, emotional attachment issues, or unhealthy boun...

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